Recorded: March 17, 2010
Duration: 1 Hour
Presenter: Bibhas Bhattacharya, Web Age Solutions Inc.
Category: Programming
Duration: 1 Hour
Presenter: Bibhas Bhattacharya, Web Age Solutions Inc.
Category: Programming
The technologies available to modern Java EE 5 applications is very different than it was for previous versions of Java Enterprise. So what does this mean for the “J2EE Patterns” that were so popular when Java Enterprise programming was more difficult? In this webinar we will look at what changes to the common patterns should be understood. We will also look at where applying some of the “old” patterns could no actually be an “anti-pattern” that makes an application more complex than it should be. Attending this webinar will help you be most effective with the latest standards and apply best practices that take into account what is available with Java EE 5.