Duration: 1 Hour
Presenter: Stuart Smith, Java and Administration Lead, Web Age Solutions Inc.
Category: IBM and Mainframe
Although many companies would like to improve their business processes when it comes down to how to do that things can get off track. Often this can be because they are using a tool or platform that doesn’t really support the correct methodology that should be employed for process improvement. For those that are using IBM’s Business Process Manager platform (or would like to), there is support for doing things the “right way”. The platform allows business analysts and others with information about the business process itself to effectively capture this knowledge without programming skill. Those tasked with implementing the process can then come in and use the same process model to fill in the details of how it will work. During this webinar we will take a look at the IBM BPM platform and the various tasks to perform to implement a process. We will also focus on the methodology that should be used, often referred to as the “playback methodology” in IBM documentation and Redbooks that helps make sure these efforts at process improvement are successful.