Recorded: July 25, 2018
Duration: 1 Hour
Presenter: Bibhas Bhattacharya, Web Age Solutions Inc.
Category: Programming
Duration: 1 Hour
Presenter: Bibhas Bhattacharya, Web Age Solutions Inc.
Category: Programming
In this session we will go through a few advanced Angular topics. This is a preview of our full 2 day offering – WA2729 Angular 6 Deep Dive Training.
1. Advanced RxJS
- Publish/subscribe using the Subject API
- forkJoin
- switchMap
- tap
- debounce
- reduce
- first, last, skipUnitl, takeUntil
- retry on HTTP error
- Create custom operators
2. Custom Directive Development
- Custom attribute directive
- Custom structural directive
3. Custom Validator Development
- Basic validator function
- Validator directive
- Async validator