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Advanced Components Concepts in Angular

June 15, 2023

Our customers repeatedly told us about the challenges they are facing in their Angular projects. This Advanced Angular Concepts Tutorial directly addresses some of those issues.

PostgreSQL Basics

May 17, 2022

In this tutorial, you will get hands-on experience using the PostgreSQL database. The tutorial is divided into the following parts: • Verify Prerequisites • Load the dvdrental Sample Database These tutorial instructions assume that you are logging into a linux machine with the username: ‘wasadmin’. If your username differs, remember to substitute the one you have wherever you see ‘wasadmin’ in the instructions. Part 1 –

Create an Angular Application using NgRx

May 16, 2022

NgRx is a state management library. In this tutorial, you will create an Angular Task/ToDo list application that uses NgRx to manage its state. The tutorial will follow these steps: • Check Setup • Copy the Lab Starter Project • See how the Application Works • Add NgRx to the project • Use NgRx to Pull Data from a Server • Adding new TasksPart 1 – Check Setup This tutorial uses a specific setup that should be done to follow the steps

Angular Unit testing with Jasmine

October 22, 2021

Author: David Chung This tutorial is adapted from the Web Age course Angular Unit Testing with Jasmine.1.1 Software Testing Verifying that the application meets its requirements

Running and Debugging Tests in Karma

October 22, 2021

Author: David Chung This tutorial is adapted from the Web-Age course Angular Unit Testing with Jasmine. In this tutorial, you will create an Angular application with a couple of components. Then you w

Security in Angular Applications

October 10, 2021

Author: Bibhas Bhattacharya This tutorial is adapted from the Web Age course Advanced Angular 12 Programming Training.1.1 Overview of Authentication and Authorization Authentication is the process of reliably identifying a user.

How to Debug Angular Applications?

September 9, 2021

Author: Kevin Clements This tutorial is adapted from the Web Age course Comprehensive Angular 10 Programming Training. This tutorial uses the b

What is HTTP Client in Angular?

November 17, 2020

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course Comprehensive Angular 10 Programming Training.1.1 The Angular HTTP Client The Angular HTTP Client provides a simplified API for network communication. It is a wrapper over the JavaScript XMLHttpRequest

How to Create a Basic Single Page Application Using Angular Router?

November 8, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course Introduction to Angular 8 Programming. In this tutorial, we will develop a very simple single page application (SPA) using the Angular Component Router module. The main goal will be to understand how routing works. We will keep the business logic very simple.Part 1 – Get

Introduction to Angular Material

November 1, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course Comprehensive Angular 8 Programming.1.1  What is Material Design (MD)? Material Design is design language developed by Google. It was released in 2014 and incorporated into the Android OS. It is also available for other platforms (Angular, Web, iOS, Flutter, &#

Angular Communication With REST Services

June 26, 2019

The Angular HTTP client service provides the ability to interact with REST web services from Angular applications. It is a best practice to perform this interaction from a custom service instead of doing so from a component. In this tutorial you will implement various methods in a custom service that will provide data to a completed component to display this data. Once the methods of the service

Debugging Angular Applications

June 26, 2019

In this tutorial you will get hands-on experience with: Template parse errors Typescript code errors Accessing components at runtime with ng.probe() Breakpointing in Typescript code Before you start working on this tutorial, install the required software as mentioned in the Set Up Guide

Angular- Template Driven Form

June 25, 2019

In this tutorial, we will explore basic form development. Before you start working on this tutorial, please install the required software as mentioned in the Set Up Guide here. Most common tasks with form development are: Pre-populating form controls with data. For example, populate a text box and selec

Introduction to Angular

June 25, 2019

In this tutorial, we will build a Hello World style Angular component. The key focus is to learn how to install all the required software, create a very simple application and use it from a browser. We won’t get too deep into Angular at this point. Before you start working on this tutorial, please install the required software as mentioned in the Set Up Guide

Introduction to TypeScript

June 25, 2019

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript ES6. Its main contribution is to make ES6 strongly typed. The compiler can catch many type related problems. Strong typing also allows an editor to offer code completion, refactoring and code navigation. In this tutorial, we will get introduced to the type system of TypeScript. Before you start working on this tutorial, please install the required software as mentioned in the Set Up Guide

Understanding the Different Angular Frameworks

January 9, 2019

For most front-end developers, Angular is known as THE framework for building web applications. However, the term “Angular” refers to two distinct types of JavaScript frameworks, known as AngularJS and Angular. While the two share the same purpose, they differ in implementation, which is why it’s important to know the differences when deciding which framework is the right choice for you. As we compare AngularJS with various Angular versions, we’ll share a quick look at the evolution of each versio

What You Need to Know About Angular 6

December 27, 2018

As one of the most popular frameworks for web development out there, Angular has been providing more opportunity and easier processes for developers everywhere. And the launch of Angular 6 back in April was the first major release from Google in 2018. Even for experienced web developers, it’s worth it to take a step back every once in a while and look at the development world from a beginner’s perspective. Or if you are a beginner, understanding Angular is a good place to start your education. So here’s

Angular 2 Property and Event Bindings

December 2, 2016

Have you noticed that many of the directives built-in to AngularJS are missing in Angular 2.0? Well there two reasons for that; “property bindings” and “event bindings”. The various binding types in Angular 2 remove the need for many of the directives built into the prior version of the framework.Here are a few examples of Angular 2.0 property bindings:

Angular 2 Programming Languages

May 8, 2016

Programming Languages for Angular Development Angular 2 differs from Angular JS in regards to programming language support. With Angular JS you generally program in JavaScript. With Angular 2 the official site provides example code in several languages; JavaScript, TypeScript and Dart. JavaScript is an implementation of the ECMAScript standard. Several versions exist including ES5 and ES6. Most current browsers fully support JavaScript ES5. This means that code compliant wi

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