
Selenium BDD Integration and Performance Testing Fundamentals Training

This Selenium course explores the fundamentals of Selenium automation, Behavior Driven Development (BDD), and performance testing. Participants learn how to leverage Selenium for UI testing, integrate it with BDD frameworks like Cucumber, and utilize tools like Postman and JMeter for API and performance testing.

By the end of this course, participants will have the skills to implement effective automated testing strategies, leverage BDD for collaborative development, and ensure optimal application performance through performance testing.

Course Details


1.5 days


  • Basic understanding of software testing concepts and methodologies.
  • Familiarity with programming concepts in Java or Python.
  • Basic knowledge of web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).
  • Experience using a code editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code, Eclipse).

Skills Gained

  • Understand the principles of automated testing, BDD, and their significance in the software development lifecycle.
  • Gain proficiency in Selenium WebDriver, using it to automate web browser interactions and UI testing.
  • Integrate Selenium with BDD frameworks to create readable and maintainable test scenarios.
  • Master API testing techniques using Postman, including creating requests, analyzing responses, and automating test suites.
  • Conduct performance testing using JMeter, identifying bottlenecks, and optimizing application performance.
Course Outline
  • Introduction to Automated Testing
    • What is Automated Testing
    • Why Automated Testing?
    • Benefits of Automated Testing
    • Importance in Software Development
    • The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
    • Automated Testing in the DevOps Lifecycle
    • Where do we Test?
    • Key Types of Automated Tests
    • Typical Testing Environments
    • Testing in Environments
    • Unit Testing
    • Benefits of Unit Testing
    • Integration Testing
    • Benefits of Integration Testing
    • System Testing
    • Benefits of System Testing
    • Acceptance Testing
    • Benefits of Acceptance Testing
    • Performance Testing
    • Benefits of Performance Testing
    • Security Testing
    • Benefits of Security Testing
    • Regression Testing
    • Benefits of Regression Testing
    • Test Automation Tools
    • Limitations of Automated Testing
    • Best Practices for Automated Testing
    • Maintaining and Updating Test Suites
  • Introduction to BDD (Behavior Driven Development)
    • What is Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
    • BDD vs TDD?
    • How BDD Helps in Software Development
    • Benefits of BDD
    • More Benefits of BDD
    • Typical Web Application Scenarios
    • Writing BDD Scenarios for Web Applications
    • BDD Creation Process
    • Understanding Gherkin Syntax
    • Gherkin Syntax Example – User Login
    • Gherkin Syntax Example – User Registration (Scenario1)
    • Gherkin Syntax Example – User Registration (Scenario2)
    • Gherkin Syntax Example – Add items to Cart
    • Gherkin Syntax Example – Checkout Process
    • Gherkin Syntax Example – Error Handling Scenarios
    • Gherkin Script – Full Example
    • BDD Framweworks
    • Setting up a BDD Framework (Cucumber)
    • Integrating BDD with Other Testing Tools
    • Implementing BDD with Other Languages
    • Reporting and Analyzing BDD Test Results
    • BDD in Continuous Integration (CI)
    • Collaboration Tools for BDD
    • BDD and Agile Methodologies
    • BDD Best Practices
  • Selenium Fundamentals
    • Introduction to Selenium WebDriver
    • Selenium Features (Diagram)
    • History and Evolution of Selenium
    • Components of Selenium
    • Components of Selenim (Diagram)
    • Importance of WebDriver in Testing
    • Real-World Use Cases of Selenium WebDriver
    • How Selenium Works (Diagram)
    • Setting Up Selenium WebDriver
    • Installing for Java
    • Installing for Python
    • Installing for NodeJS
    • Locating Elements with Selenium WebDriver
    • Locating Web Elements by ID
    • Locating Web Elements by Name
    • Locating Web Elements by Class Name
    • Locating Elements by Tag Name
    • Link Text and Partial Link Text
    • Locating by CSS Selector
    • Locating by XPath
    • Choosing the Right Locator Strategy
    • Best Practices for Locating Elements
    • Handling Dynamic Elements - Waits
    • Introduction to Browser Interactions
    • Performing Browser Interactions
    • Clicking Elements
    • Typing Text
    • Clearing Text Fields
    • Getting Element Attributes
    • Navigating Between Pages
    • Performing Complex Gestures with Actions Class
    • Handling Form Submissions
    • Project Setup Steps - Overview
    • Download WebDriver
    • Running a simple test (Python Example)
    • Running a simple test (Python Example - Code)
    • Running a simple test (Java Example)
    • Advanced Interactions
    • Working with Cookies
    • Capturing Screen Shots
    • Handling Popups and Aerts
    • Managing Browser Windows and Frames
    • Handling File Uploads and Downloads
    • Using Multiple Browsers
    • What is Selenium IDE?
    • Installing Selenium IDE (Eclipse/Java)
    • Installing Selenium IDE (VSCode/Python)
    • Download WebDriver Executables
    • Recording Test Cases with Selenium IDE
    • Modifying Recorded Test Cases
    • Example of Modified Test Case
    • Playing Back Recorded Test Cases
    • Exporting Test Cases to WebDriver Scripts
    • Challenges and Solutions
    • Dealing with Dynamic Content (Example)
    • Cross-Browser Testing Issues (Example)
    • Selenim Best Practices (Overview)
    • Using Page Object Model (POM)
    • Debugging and Troubleshooting Tests
    • Continuous Integration and Selenium
  • Integrating Selenium with BDD Frameworks
    • Integrating Selenium with BDD
    • Setting Up Cucumber with Selenium
    • Setting up Behave with Selenium
    • Behave with Selenium – Setup Steps (Part 1)
    • Behave - Implementation (Code Example)
    • Setting Up SpecFlow with Selenium
    • SpecFlow - Implementation Code Example
    • SpecFile with Selenium - Create Runner Class
    • Writing BDD Scenarios with Selenium Steps
    • Gherkin Script – Full Example
    • Selenium Defnitions for Gherkin – Full Java Example
    • Running BDD Tests
    • Parallel Execution of BDD Tests
    • Handling Data-Driven Tests with BDD
    • Integrating BDD with API Testing
    • Using Custom Annotations in BDD Tests
    • Implementing Security Testing in BDD
    • Security Testing - Implementation in Java
    • Advanced Reporting for BDD Tests
    • Running Tests in your CI/CD Pipeline
    • Best Practices for BDD with Selenium
  • Integration Testing Fundamentals and Tools
    • Introduction
    • Importance of Integration Testing
    • Types of Integration Testing
    • Integration Testing Types (Diagram)
    • Selecting the Right Integration Testing Type
    • Tools for Integration Testing
    • Introduction to Postman
    • Postman (Example Request)
    • Using Postman for Integration Testing
    • Practical Tips for Postman
    • Introduction to SoapUI
    • SoapUI (Example Request)
    • Using SoapUI for Integration Testing
    • Practical Tips for SoapUI
    • Advanced Features in SoapUI
    • Challenges in Integration Testing
    • Best Practices
    • Comparing Postman and SoapUI
  • API Testing with Postman
    • Introduction to Postman
    • Key Features
    • Postman Tools
    • Components of Postman
    • Command-Line Interface (CLI)
    • Setting Up Postman
    • Creating and Account
    • Overview of the Postman Interface
    • Postman Interface (Lightweight Mode)
    • Postman Interface (Signed In)
    • REST APIs Fundamentals
    • Types of API Request
    • Sending Requests in Postman
    • Sending GET Requests: Retrieving Data
    • Sending POST Requests: Creating Resources
    • Sending PUT/PATCH Requests: Updating Resources
    • Sending DELETE Requests: Removing Resources
    • OPTIONS Requests: Discovering Server Capabilities
    • Understanding OPTIONS Responses
    • OPTIONS Considerations
    • Extracting Data from Responses
    • Performing Assertions
    • Setting query parameters
    • Setting custom headers
    • Managing Authentication
    • How to use Basic Authentication
    • How to use OAuth Authentication Flows
    • How to use API Key Authentication
    • Test Automation Using Collections and Scripts
    • Organizing Requests Using Collections
    • Using Environments and Variables
    • Debugging and Troubleshooting Tips
    • Common Error Types
    • 4xx Client Errors
    • 5xx Client Errors
    • DNS and NetworkErrors
    • Network Errors - Timeouts
    • Authentication Errors
    • Integrating Collections with CI/CD Pipelines
  • Performance Testing Fundamentals and Tools
    • Introduction to Performance Testing
    • The Usual Suspects
    • Load Testing
    • Stress Testing
    • Spike Testing
    • Performance Testing Metrics
    • Automating Performance Tests
    • Tools for Performance Testing
    • Comparison of Features and Suitability
    • Using JMeter for Performance Testing
    • The JMeter Interface
    • Using LoadRunner for Performance Testing
    • LoadRunner Components - Vugen
    • LoadRunner Components - Other
    • Database Performance Testing
    • Database Indexes and Performance
    • Database Settings and Optimization
    • Simulating User Behavior
    • Cloud-Based Performance Testing
    • Performance Testing in DevOps
    • Resource Utilization Metrics
    • Resource Utilization Metrics - Features
    • Analyzing Throughput and Network Issues
    • Handling Test Data
    • General Performance Optimization Techniques
    • Security Performance Impact
    • Reporting and Communicating Results
    • Industry Standards and Benchmarks
    • Challenges in Performance Testing
    • Best Practices in Performance Testing
    • Future Trends in Performance Testing
  • Introduction to JMeter
    • Why use JMeter
    • JMeter, a Simple Concept
    • Setting Up JMeter
    • JMeter User Interface
    • JMeter Interface Components
    • Creating Test Plans in JMeter
    • Adding Samplers
    • Adding Listeners
    • Tips for Samplers
    • Tips for Listeners
    • Introduction to Recording User Actions in JMeter
    • Add the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
    • Configure Browser
    • Record Actions
    • Additional Tips
    • Executing Performance Tests
    • Analyzing the Results
    • Example Reports in JMeter
    • Managing Cookies and Sessions
    • Configuring JMeter to Handle Cookies
    • Managing Sessions in JMeter
    • Example: Cookie Manager Setup
    • Scripting Capabilities in JMeter
    • Benefits of Using Scripting in JMeter
    • Adding and Configuring JSR223 Sampler
    • Adding and Configuring BeanShell Sampler
    • Scripting: Parameterization and Data Manipulation
    • Scripting: Custom Logic and Flow Control
    • Scripting: Enhanced Logging and Debugging
    • Advanced Scripting Techniques
    • Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting Considerations