
Data Analytics on AWS Training

This AWS Data training course teaches attendees how to leverage the core AWS Data Analytics services and capabilities, including S3, QuickSight, AWS Glue, and more. Students are introduced to the data-related aspects of these services, enabling them to select services to match their use cases effectively.
Course Details


2 days


General knowledge of a modern programming language.

Target Audience

  • Data and Business Analysts
  • IT Architects
  • Developers
  • Technical Managers

Skills Gained

  • Understand how to implement data warehouses using AWS Lake Formation service
  • Use S3 through the management console
  • Understand the architecture of the Snowflake data platform
  • Use Snowflake web UI (a.k.a Web Portal, Snowflake Manager, and Snowflake Console)
  • Create databases, tables, and warehouses in the Snowflake Web UI
  • Understand how Amazon QuickSight builds visualizations, perform ad hoc analysis, and business insights
  • Explore the main capabilities of AWS Glue
  • Create a Glue crawler to work over a collection of CSV files using a customized classifier to infer their schemas
  • Create and run an AWS Glue ETL job
Course Outline
  • The AWS Lake Formation Service
    • First, What is a Data Lake?
    • Data Lakes vs. Traditional Data Warehouses
    • Characteristics of Data Warehouses and Data Lakes
    • Now, What is AWS Lake Formation?
    • What are the Benefits of Using Lake Formation?
    • How Lake Formation Works
    • The Lake Formation Dashboard
    • AWS Lake Formation Pricing
  • AWS Simple Storage Service
    • What is AWS Simple Storage Service (S3)
    • AWS S3
    • Storage
    • Regions
    • S3 Regions
    • Getting started with S3
    • Using BitTorrent
    • More on Buckets
    • Bucket Configurable Properties
    • Advanced S3 Bucket Properties
    • The Bucket Creation Dialog in the Management Console
    • Bucket Permissions
    • Bucket-level Operations
    • Authorization of REST Requests
    • Adding Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Configuration
    • Event Notifications
    • The Requester Pays Option
    • The Object Key
    • Object Versioning
    • Example of Object Properties
    • Object Storage Class Levels
    • Object-level Operations
    • Object Lifecycle Configuration
    • Amazon S3 Data Consistency Model
    • Observable Data Consistency Behaviors
    • Eventually Consistent Reads vs Consistent Reads
    • Amazon S3 Security
    • S3 Use Case: Backup and Archiving
    • Another S3 Use Case: Static Web Hosting
    • More on Static Web Hosting
    • S3 Static Website Hosting Dialog in Management Console
    • S3 Use Case: Disaster Recovery
    • AWS S3 Pricing
    • Storage Pricing
    • Request Pricing
    • Data Transfer Pricing
    • Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration
    • How to Enable Transfer Acceleration
    • Enabling Transfer Acceleration in the Management Console
    • Amazon S3 SLA Definitions
    • Amazon S3 SLA Service Commitment
    • S3 CLI
  • Introduction to the Snowflake Cloud Data Platform
    • What is Snowflake?
    • Certifications
    • Snowflake Conceptual Architecture
    • Core Underlying Design Considerations
    • Core Services and Tools
    • Snowflake Editions
    • The Standard Edition
    • The Enterprise Edition
    • The Business Critical Edition
    • Virtual Private Snowflake
    • Billing: The Cost Components
    • Data Storage Segments
    • Parts of Snowflake that Incur Compute-related Costs
    • Snowflake Quickstart
  • Snowflake's Web UI
    • Web UI (Web Portal)
    • The Landing Page
    • Snowflake Roles
    • The Roles UI
    • Databases
    • Shares
    • Data Marketplace
    • The Warehouses UI
    • Worksheets
    • History
    • A History Sample
    • Account
    • Operational Transparency: Controlling the Usage of Your Account
    • Create Network Policy Dialog (under Account > Policies)
    • Preview App
  • Visualization and Reporting
    • Amazon QuickSight
    • SPICE
    • Data Analyses
    • Visuals
    • Sheets
    • Dashboards
    • Typical Amazon QuickSight Workflow
    • Create a Data Set
    • Create an Analysis
    • Create a Visual Manually
    • Amazon Athena
    • Amazon Athena and AWS Data Catalog
    • Query Data Using Amazon Athena
    • What is Tableau
    • Create a Report Using Tableau
  • Introduction to AWS Glue
    • What is AWS Glue?
    • AWS Glue Components
    • Managing Notebooks
    • Putting it Together: The AWS Glue Environment Architecture
    • AWS Glue Main Activities
    • Additional Glue Services
    • AWS Glue Pricing
    • When To Use AWS Glue?
    • Integration with other AWS Services
  • AWS Glue PySpark Extensions
    • AWS Glue and Spark
    • The DynamicFrame Object
    • The DynamicFrame API
    • The GlueContext Object
    • Glue Transforms
    • A Sample Glue PySpark Script
    • Using PySpark
    • AWS Glue PySpark SDK
  • Lab Exercises
    • Lab 1. Using S3 Through Management Console
    • Lab 2. Signing Up for the Free Trial of Snowflake
    • Lab 3. The Snowflake Web UI
    • Lab 4. Creating and Working with Databases in Snowflake
    • Lab 5. AWS Glue Overview
    • Lab 6. AWS Glue Crawlers and Classifiers
    • Lab 7. Creating an S3 Bucket for AWS Glue ETL Script Output
    • Lab 8. Creating and Working with Glue Scripts
    • Lab 9. Using PySpark API Directly
    • Lab 10. Understanding AWS Glue ETL Jobs
Upcoming Course Dates
USD $1,460
Online Virtual Class
Date: Jul 29 - 30, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $1,460
Online Virtual Class
Date: Aug 5 - 6, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $1,460
Online Virtual Class
Date: Sep 2 - 3, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $1,460
Online Virtual Class
Date: Sep 16 - 17, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $1,460
Online Virtual Class
Date: Oct 7 - 8, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET