Introduction to SQL Training
In this introduction to SQL training, you learn how to optimize the accessibility and maintenance of data with the SQL programming language, and gain a solid foundation for building, querying, and manipulating databases. Learn to leverage all that the SQL language has to offer!
Course Details
2 days
No prior knowledge is presumed.Skills Gained
- Working with Relational Databases
- SELECT statements
- Aggregate Functions
- SQL Built-in Functions
- Joins and Subqueries
- CASE Statements and Unions
Course Outline
- Introduction to Relational Databases
- What is a Relational Database?
- Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
- Popular RDBMS Products
- Relational Database Concepts
- Tables
- Rows/Records
- Columns/Fields
- Data Types
- Relationships
- Primary Keys
- Foreign Keys
- What is SQL?
- Brief History of SQL
- Data Definition Language (DDL)
- Data Manipulation Language (DML)
- Data Control Language (DCL)
- Different Flavors of SQL
- AdventureWorks and Northwind
- Introduction to SELECT Statements
- What is a SELECT Statement?
- Comments
- Multi-line Comments
- Case Insensitivity
- SELECT Statement Syntax
- Minimal SELECT Statement
- Complete SELECT Statement
- Simple SELECT Statement
- Whitespace
- Multiple Statements
- Selecting Individual Columns
- Sorting Rows using ORDER BY Clause
- Selecting Unique Rows using DISTINCT Keyword
- SELECT Statements with WHERE Clause
- Filtering Results using WHERE Clause
- Comparison Operators
- Lab 6: Comparison Operators
- NULL Values
- Testing for NULL
- Combining WHERE and ORDER BY Clauses
- Logical Operators - AND, OR
- Logical Operators – NOT
- Logical Operators - Order of Evaluation
- BETWEEN Operator
- IN Operator
- LIKE Operator
- SELECT Statements with Computed Columns
- What are Computed Columns?
- Simple Calculations
- Mixing Calculations and Columns
- Arithmetic Calculations
- Calculations on Columns
- Column Aliases
- Column Aliases
- Omitting the AS keyword
- Using Column Labels in
- Clause
- Concatenation
- Concatenating Text and Column Values
- CONCAT Alternatives
- Aggregate Functions
- What are Aggregate Functions?
- Aggregate Functions – COUNT
- Aggregate Functions – SUM and AVG
- Aggregate Functions – MIN and MAX
- Grouping Results Using GROUP BY Clause
- Grouping and
- Sorting
- Results
- Filtering Grouped Results using HAVING Clause
- Aggregate Functions
- SQL Built-in Functions
- Types of SQL Built-in Functions
- String Functions
- Date Functions
- Math
- Functions
- Math
- Function Examples
- Math
- Function Examples
- Functions
- Joins and Subqueries
- Primary Keys and Foreign Key
- Inner Joins
- Inner Join Examples
- Prefixing Columns with Table Names
- Using Table Aliases
- Alternate Inner Join Syntax
- Outer Joins
- Left Outer Joins
- Right Outer Joins
- Full Outer Joins
- Self Joins
- Self Join Example
- What is a Subquery?
- Subquery Examples
- Regular
- Subquery vs. Correlated Subquery
- CASE Statements and UNIONs
- CASE Statements
- UNION Clause
- UNION Example
- Lab Exercises
Lab 1. Exploring the Database
Lab 2. Selecting Records
Lab 3. Retrieving Data
Lab 4. Sorting Data
Lab 5. Retrieving Unique Data
Lab 6. Comparison Operators
Lab 7. NULL Tests
Lab 8. WHERE and ORDER BY Clauses
Lab 9. Multiple Conditions
Lab 10. Additional Operators
Lab 11. Computed Columns
Lab 12. Aggregate Function
Lab 13. SQL Built-in Functions
Lab 14. Inner and Outer Joins
Lab 15. Subqueries
Lab 16. CASE Statements
Lab 17. UNIONs