
DevOps BootCamp Training

DevOps combines cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increase an organization's ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity.  Web Age Solution's DevOps BootCamp course covers the DevOps principles and tools required for end-to-end implementation of DevOps.

Under a DevOps model, development and operations teams are no longer "siloed." This DevOps course teaches your team how to become tightly integrated with development and operations throughout the application lifecycle.

Course Details


3 days


  • Foundational knowledge of the software delivery problem domain.
  • Some knowledge of executing Linux shell commands is recommended, but not required.

Target Audience

  • Enterprise Architects
  • Solution Architects
  • Information Technology Architects
  • Senior Developers
  • Team Leads

Skills Gained

  • Implementing Continuous Integration 
  • Using Version Control and integrating it with Continuous Integration tools 
  • Configuration management and infrastructure-as-code 
  • Automation with shell scripting and other scripting languages 
  • Implementing Continuous Monitoring 
  • Implementing Continuous Quality 
  • Containerization
Course Outline
  • What is DevOps
    • Dev and Ops Views
    • Leading By Example ...
    • What is DevOps?
    • More DevOps Definitions
    • DevOps and Software Delivery Life Cycle
    • Main DevOps' Objectives
    • The Term "DevOps" is Evolving!
    • Infrastructure as Code
    • Agile IT in the Cloud
    • DevOps on the Cloud
    • Prerequisites for DevOps Success
    • Alignment with the Business Needs
    • Collaborative Development
    • Continuous Testing and Integration
    • Continuous Release and Deployment
    • Continuous Application Monitoring
    • Benefits of DevOps
    • What is Involved in DevOps
  • Configuration Management
    • What is Chef?
    • Benefits of Infrastructure-as-Code
    • Chef – Sample Usages
    • Deployment / License
    • Who uses Chef
    • Chef Architecture
    • Chef Components
    • Workstation
    • Recipe
    • Cookbook
    • Ruby
    • Knife
    • Node
    • Chef-client
    • Chef Server
    • Chef Analytics
    • Chef Supermarket
    • Salient Features of Chef
    • Supported Platforms
    • Chef Components
    • Chef Server prerequisites
    • Install Configuration Scenarios
    • Standalone Installation
    • Installing Optional Chef Server Components
    • Workstation
    • Chef DK
    • Chef DK Prerequisites
    • Chef Repository
    • Installing Chef DK
    • Ohai
    • Ohai Attributes
    • Cookbooks
    • Components of a Cookbook
    • Metadata
    • Recipes
    • Resources
    • Directory Resource
    • Package Resource
    • Service Resource
    • File Resource
    • Script Resource
    • User Resource
    • Additional Chef Advanced Features
  • Distributed Version Control
    • What is Version Control
    • History of Version Control
    • "Undo" Capability
    • Collaboration
    • Communication and Sharing
    • Auditing and Tracking
    • Release Engineering, Maintenance, SDLC
    • Diagnostics
    • Distributed Version Control
    • Integrating Version Control into Jenkins
    • What is Git
    • Git's Design Goals
    • Branching and Merging
    • Centralized Version Control
    • Distributed Version Control
    • Git Basics
    • Getting Git
    • Git on the Server
    • Git Repository Managers
    • Git on Somebody Else's Server
    • Using Git
    • Definitions
    • Repository
    • Commit
    • How to Think About Commits
    • Viewing History
    • Configuring Git
    • Configuration Scope
    • User Identification
    • GPG Signing
    • Gnu Privacy Guard
    • GPG Basics
    • GPG and Git
    • .gitignore
    • Other Useful Configurations
  • Enterprise Version Control
    • SVN
    • SVN vs CVS
    • SVN Installation
    • SVN Life Cycle
    • Some Useful Commands
    • Perforce
    • Important Perforce Terms
    • Perforce Clients
    • Mercurial
    • Installation
    • Some Useful Commands
    • Team Foundation Version Control
    • TFVC Workspaces
    • TFVC Capabilities
    • Atomic Check-In
    • Check-In Policies
    • Shelving
    • Team Visibility
    • Locks
    • Labeling
    • Branching
    • Branch Visualization and Tracking
    • Cross-Platform Support
    • Disconnected Work
  • Continuous Integration & Delivery Tools, Technology & Process
    • What is Continuous Integration
    • Integration Tools
    • Typical Setup for Continuous Integration
    • Jenkins Continuous Integration
    • Jenkins Features
    • Running Jenkins
    • Jenkins Integration with various Version Control Solutions
    • Jenkins Job
    • Apache Maven
    • Goals of Maven
    • What is Apache Maven?
    • Why Use Apache Maven?
    • The Maven EcoSystem
    • Consistent Easy-to-Understand Project Layout
    • Convention Over Configuration
    • Maven is Different
    • Maven Projects have a Standardized Build
    • Effect of Convention Over Configuration
    • Importance of Plugins
    • A Key Point on Maven!
  • Continuous Code Quality
    • Continuous Code Quality
    • What is SonarQube
    • SonarQube - Benefits
    • SonarQube (Multilingual)
    • Seven Axes of Quality
    • Potential Bugs
    • Tests
    • Comments and Duplication
    • Architecture and Design
    • Complexity
    • SonarQube Installation
    • SonarQube Components
    • Code Quality (LOC, Code Smells)
    • Code Quality (Project Files)
    • Code Quality (Code)
  • Automation - Scripting
    • Why Automate
    • When to Automate
    • Goals for Scripting
    • Error Handling
    • Logging
    • Automating Versioned Builds
    • Automating Deployment
    • Automating Continuous Integration Tests
    • Automated Cleanup
    • Introduction to Shell Scripts
    • Basic Shell Script
    • Return Status
    • Variables
    • Special Variables
    • Arrays
    • Operators
    • Conditional Statements
    • Loops
    • Loops – while
    • Loops – for
    • Loops – until
    • Loops – select
  • Monitoring
    • What is Continuous Monitoring
    • Monitoring Tools
    • Dynatrace Application Monitoring
    • Dynatrace Application Monitoring
    • Splunk
    • Splunk Functionalities
    • Splunk Searching
    • Splunk Functions
    • Nagios
    • Nagios (contd.)
    • Nagios – Installation
    • Nagios – Hosts
    • Nagios – Web User Interface (Hosts)
    • Nagios – Monitoring Services
    • Monitoring HTTP
    • Monitoring FTP
    • Monitoring SSH
    • Monitoring SMTP
    • Monitoring POP3
    • Monitoring IMAP
  • Containerization
    • Containerization (Virtualization)
    • Hypervisors
    • Hypervisor Types
    • Type 1 hypervisors
    • Type 2 hypervisors
    • Type 1 vs Type 2 Processing
    • Paravirtualization
    • Virtualization Qualities
    • Disadvantages of Virtualization
    • Containerization
    • Virtualization vs Containerization
    • Where to Use Virtualization and Containerization
    • Popular Containerization Systems
    • What are Linux Containers
    • Docker
    • OpenVZ
    • Solaris Zones (Containers)
    • What is Docker
    • Where Can I Ran Docker?
    • Docker and Containerization on Linux
    • Linux Kernel Features: cgroups and namespaces
    • The Docker-Linux Kernel Interfaces
    • Docker Containers vs Traditional Virtualization
    • Docker as Platform-as-a-Service
    • Docker Integration
    • Docker Services
    • Docker Application Container Public Repository
    • Competing Systems
    • Docker Command-line
    • Starting, Inspecting, and Stopping Docker Containers
    • Docker Benefits
  • Collaboration
    • What is JIRA?
    • License
    • JIRA Technical Specifications
    • Issues
    • Who uses JIRA
    • JIRA Products
    • JIRA Core
    • JIRA Software
    • JIRA Service Desk
    • What a typical project involves?
    • JIRA Integration
    • Integrating JIRA into Jenkins
  • DevOps –The Journey
    • Agile Development
    • What is Continuous Integration
    • Typical Setup for Continuous Integration
    • DevOps in the Enterprise
    • Scaling DevOps
    • Scaling DevOps (Organization Structure)
    • Scaling DevOps (Locality)
    • Scaling DevOps (Team Flexibility)
    • Scaling DevOps (Teams: Hiring as Scaling)
    • Scaling DevOps (Teams: Employee Retention)
    • DevOps Myths
    • DevOps Anti-Patterns (Blame Culture)
    • DevOps Anti-Patterns (Silos)
    • DevOps Anti-Patterns (Root Cause Analysis)
    • DevOps Anti-Patterns (Human Error)
    • DevOps Patterns For Success
    • DevOps Patterns For Success (Cloud)
    • DevOps Patterns For Success (Automation)
    • DevOps Patterns For Success (Culture)
  • Python [OPTIONAL]
  • Lab Exercises
    • Lab 1. Configuration Management
    • Lab 2. Version Control - Git
    • Lab 3. Version Control – SVN
    • Lab 4. Continuous Integration
    • Lab 5. Install Prerequisites
    • Lab 6. Continuous Code Quality - SonarQube
    • Lab 7. Automation (Shell Scripting)
    • Lab 8. Tomcat Application Deployment using Chef
    • Lab 9. Continuous Monitoring - Nagios
    • Lab 10 - Creating a Docker Account and Obtain an Access Token
    • Lab 11 - Containerization – Docker
Upcoming Course Dates
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Jul 29 - 31, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Aug 12 - 14, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Sep 2 - 4, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Sep 16 - 18, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Oct 14 - 16, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET