
Node.js Software Development Training

Our Node.js class introduces Node.js as a platform. Node.js is an open source framework which runs on various platforms, such as Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc. It is build on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast and scalable network applications. Node.js uses JavaScript on the server. Node.js can be used to create console, desktop, web services, and web applications
Course Details


3 days


Participants should be familiar with JavaScript and Web App concepts.

Skills Gained

  • Learn what Node.js is and how its best used
  • Install and configure Node.js using platform installation packages and source code
  • Manage Node.js Packages with the Node Package Manager
  • Use and create Node.js Modules
  • Configure and secure a Web Application
  • Utilize file and stream resources with Node.js
  • Understand common Node.js programming patterns
  • Explore performance issues with Node.js
  • Troubleshoot Node.js problems
Course Outline
  • Introduction to Node.js
    • What Is Node.js?
    • Applications of Node.js
    • Installing Node.js and NPM
    • \"Hello, Node World!\"
    • How It Works
    • Node.js is built on JavaScript: Benefits
    • Traditional Server-Side I/O Model
    • Disadvantages of the Traditional Approach
    • Event-Driven, Non-Blocking I/O
    • Concurrency
    • Using Node Package Manager (NPM)
    • The Express Server Framework
  • Module and Dependency Management
    • Nature of a Node.js Project
    • Introduction to Modules
    • A Simple Module
    • Using the Module
    • Directory Based Modules
    • Example Directory Based Module
    • Using the Module
    • Making a Module Executable
    • Core Modules
    • Loading Module from node_modules Folders
    • Dependency Management Using NPM
    • Installing a Package
    • About Global Installation
    • Setting Up Dependency
    • Package Version Numbering Syntax
    • Updating Packages
    • Uninstalling Packages
    • Alternate Dependency Management
  • The File System Module
    • Introduction
    • Basic File Manipulation
    • Getting File/Directory Meta Data
    • Read an Entire File
    • The Buffer Class
    • Writing to a File
    • Reading in Chunks
    • Writing in Chunks
    • The open() Method
    • Stream API
    • The Readable Interface
    • Example Reading Data in Chunks
    • The Writable Interface
  • Events in Node JS
    • Event Driven Programming
    • Event Emitter
    • EventEmitter Class
    • EventEmitter Class – Inheritance
    • The Event Loop and Event Handler
    • Phases Overview
    • Event Handlers
    • Example (Using EventEmitter as an Object)
    • Example (Inheriting from EventEmitter)
    • EventEmitter Functions
    • Issue with 'this' Keyword in Callback Functions
    • Handling this Problem
    • Controlling Event Callbacks in the Event Loop
  • Asynchronous Programming with Callbacks
    • Synchronous and Asynchronous
    • Callbacks
    • Creating a Callback Function
    • Calling The Callback Function
    • Callback - Another Example
    • Issue with 'this' Keyword in Callback Functions
    • Handling this Problem
    • Handling this Problem – Method 1 (Storing in Another Variable)
    • Handling this Problem – Method 2 (Using Bind Function)
    • Handling this Problem – Method 3 (Using ES6 Arrow Functions)
    • Error Handling without Callback
    • Error Handling with Callback
    • Asynchronous Callback
    • setImmediate() and nextTick()
    • API Example
  • Asynchronous Programming with Promises
    • The Problems with Callbacks
    • Introduction to Promises
    • Requirements for Using Promises
    • Creating Promises Manually
    • Calling the Promise-based Function
    • Making APIs that support both callbacks and promises
    • Using APIs that support both callbacks and promises
    • Chaining then Method / Returning a Value or a Promise from then Method
    • Promisifying Callbacks with Bluebird
    • Using Bluebird
    • Bluebird – List of Useful Functions
    • Benefit of using Bluebird over ES6 for Promisification
    • Error Handling in Promise-based asynchronous functions
  • Build and Dependency Management
    • Introduction
    • Bower Package Manager
    • Managing Packages Using Bower
    • Using Bower Packages
    • Describing Dependency
    • Grunt Build Manager
    • Installing Grunt Components
    • Writing a Grunt Build Script
    • Running Grunt
    • Running the JSHint Task
    • Compiling 'Less' Files
    • Compressing CSS Files
    • Gulp Build Manager
    • Gulp vs. Grunt
    • Installing Gulp Components
    • Writing a Build Script
    • Running Gulp
    • Compiling Less Files
  • Basic Web Application Development
    • Introduction to the HTTP Module
    • The Request Handler Callback Function
    • The Server Object
    • Example Use of Server Object
    • The Request Object
    • The Response Object
    • Parsing Request Body
    • Serving Static Files
    • The HTTP Client API
    • Making POST/PUT/etc. Requests
    • Where To go from Here?
  • Debugging and Unit Testing
    • Problem Determination Options
    • Using console.log
    • Using the 'debug' Logging Package
    • Configure Logging
    • The 'Node Inspector' Debugger
    • Basic Usage of the Debugger
    • Unit Testing Node.js Applications
    • Getting Setup
    • Writing a Test Script
    • Running Unit Test
    • Testing Asynchronous Code
    • Using the Chai Assert API
    • The Chai Expect API
  • Introduction to Express
    • Introduction to Express
    • Basic Routing Example
    • Defining Routing Rules
    • Route Path
    • The Response Object
    • Supplying URL Parameters
    • Ordering of Routes
    • Defining Catch-All Route
    • Full Example Web Service
  • Express Middleware
    • Introduction to Express Middleware
    • Writing a Middleware Function
    • Binding to a Path
    • Order of Execution
    • Raising Error
    • Handling Error
    • Serving Static Files
    • Handling POST Request Body
    • Enable Response Compression
  • Accessing MongoDB from Node.js
    • Getting Started
    • The Connection URL
    • Obtaining a Collection
    • Inserting Documents
    • Updating a Document
    • Querying for Documents
    • Deleting a Document
    • Connection Pooling
  • Pug Template Engine
    • Introduction to Pug
    • Using Pug
    • A Simple Template
    • Passing Data to a Template
    • Basic HTML Tag Rendering
    • Rendering Values
    • Conditional Rendering
    • Rendering a List
    • Layout Template
    • Creating a Layout Template
    • Creating a Content Template
  • Clustering and Failover
    • Process Management
    • Managing the Process Using OS Tools
    • Installing a Service in Windows
    • Create an Upstart Script in Ubuntu
    • Process Management Using forever
    • Clustering Basics
    • Example Clustered Application
    • More About Clustering
    • Child Process Failover
  • Microservices with Node.js
    • Microservices
    • Microservices with Node.js
    • The Express Package
    • Installing and Using Express
    • Defining Routing Rules in Express
    • Route Path
    • The Response Object
    • A Simple Web Service with Express Example
    • Composite Services
    • Example - Call an API Using a Promise
    • Using the callApi() Function
  • Supertest and Nock
    • SuperTest
    • Sample Service
    • Test without a Testing Framework
    • Test with a Testing Framework
    • Using Promises with SuperTest
    • Nock
    • Example – Request Body
    • Using Query String
    • Specifying Replies
  • Important Node features introduced over the years
    • Node History
    • Node Version Policy
    • LTS Release Schedule
    • Changes in Node.js
    • 'npm' Modules and Native Code
    • Node 4.x
    • Arrow Functions
    • Arrow Functions As Parameters
    • Using 'this' Within Arrow Functions
    • ES2015 Classes
    • Declaring Classes
    • Declaring Instance Methods
    • Accessor Methods
    • Static Methods
    • Inheritance With Classes
    • Generator Functions
    • Generator Example
    • Controlling Generator Execution - next(value)
    • Controlling Generator Execution - return(value)
    • Controlling Generator Execution - throw(exception)
    • Generator Recursion With 'yield*'
    • Tail Call Optimization
    • 'const' and 'let'
    • Variable Scope
    • Shadowing Variables
    • Node 5.x
    • Spread Operator
    • Node 6.x
    • Rest Parameter
    • Node 7.x
    • Node 8.x
    • Node 12.x
    • ES6 Module Support
    • Private Class Fields
    • Node 14.x
    • Diagnostic Reporting
    • Diagnostic Reporting Command Arguments
    • V8 Upgraded to V8.1
    • Nullish Coalescing Operator
    • Optional Chaining
    • Intl.DisplayName
  • Build and dependency management with npm
    • JS
    • Problems and solutions
    • Package managers
    • npm
    • npm does several things
    • Holds project metadata
    • npm as a package manager
    • npm enables us to install JS packages locally or globally
    • npm manages libraries
    • Note the use of semver here
    • The dependency can be...
    • npm installs libraries in a controlled way
    • npm installs from the Internet
    • Weight
    • npm config files
    • Secure sites that can't use the public npm
    • npm automates running
    • tl;dr
  • How to test JavaScript
    • Introduction
    • tl;dr
    • How might you test if new passwords don't match, an error message shows?
    • Thus, many tools have been developed
    • These all use assertions
    • Why would I want a different assertion library?
    • What is unit testing? A unit test tests one unit of work
    • What is NOT unit testing? ... Anything else!
    • Benefits of unit testing
    • Next, what is TDD?
    • Benefits of TDD
    • The Red Phase
    • You want to write positive tests and negative tests
    • The Green Phase
    • Let's see how to do this with Jest
    • Jest is a test runner that's evolved over many years
    • To get Jest, install it with npm
    • We can organize our tests in modules or suites
    • describe()
    • test()
    • Jest's built-in assertions have expectations and matchers
    • The matchers are pretty simple
    • The most basic check is toBeTruthy()
    • How to test for equality
    • toThrow()
    • Setups and teardowns
    • Sharing variables between tests is easy
    • How to test browser things
    • Karma
    • Karma is a browser test runner
    • To run tests, you will tell Karma ...
    • Mocha
    • tl;dr
    • Further study
  • Lab Exercises
    • Lab 1. Getting Started With Node.js
    • Lab 2. Basics of a Node.js Module using ES5 Functions
    • Lab 3. Basics of a Node.js Module using ES6 Classes
    • Lab 4. Using Node Package Manager (npm)
    • Lab 5. Building Module Dependency
    • Lab 6. Using the Stream API
    • Lab 7. Events in Node.js
    • Lab 8. Asynchronous Programming with Callbacks
    • Lab 9. Asynchronous Programming with Promises
    • Lab 10. Basic Web Application Development
    • Lab 11. Debugging a Node.js Application
    • Lab 12. Introduction to Unit Testing
    • Lab 13. Logging with Morgan
    • Lab 14. Web Service Using Express
    • Lab 15. Using MongoDB
    • Lab 16. Using the Pug Template Engine
    • Lab 17. Clustering a Node.js Application
    • Lab 18. MicroServices with Node
    • Lab 19. Test RESTful API with Supertest
    • Lab 20. Mock RESTful API with Nock
Upcoming Course Dates
USD $1,880
Online Virtual Class
Date: Aug 5 - 7, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $1,880
Online Virtual Class
Date: Aug 12 - 14, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $1,880
Online Virtual Class
Date: Sep 9 - 11, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $1,880
Online Virtual Class
Date: Sep 30 - Oct 2, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $1,880
Online Virtual Class
Date: Nov 4 - 6, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET