
Business Architecture Foundation Workshop Training

This hands-on workshop explores the subject of Business Architecture, providing teams with a solid foundation for execution.  The truth is, that your business has an architecture.  You are either in the driver's seat defining your business's structure and roadmap to success (i.e. your Business Architecture) or you are at the mercy of the ad-hoc architecture that you have stumbled into over the past 10-15 years.
Course Details


3 days

Target Audience

  • LOB Managers
  • Bbusiness Analysts
  • Architects
  • Team Leads

Skills Gained

  • Define Business Architecture
  • Understand the value of Business Architecture
  • Describe the different views of Business Architecture
  • Be able to define a Business Architecture bottom-up, top-down, or meet-in-the-middle
  • Comprehend the relevance of architectural frameworks in the context of Business Architecture
  • Gain hands-on experience creating Business Architecture views and key artifacts
  • Explore real world Business Architecture case studies
  • Discuss the challenges and opportunities inherent in establishing a Business Architecture practice
Course Outline
  • What is Business Architecture?
    • What is Business Architecture
    • Formal definition
    • What is Business Architecture for
    • What is Business Architecture For
    • The Value of Business Architecture
    • Layers of Enterprise Architecture
    • The Business Architecture Domain
    • Where does Business Architecture live?
    • Business Architecture Frameworks
    • Business Architecture Book of Knowledge
    • Enterprise Architecture Frameworks
    • Business Architect vs Business Analyst
    • Business architecture vs Business analysis
  • BIZBOK Introduction
    • The Business Architecture Guild
    • What are BIZBOK and BIZBOK Guide?
    • The BIZBOK Guide Make Up
    • BIZBOK's Definition of Business Architecture
    • Business Architecture Characteristics
    • Business Architecture Notation
    • Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How
    • BIZBOK Common Blueprints
    • The BIZBOK Business Architecture Framework
    • Business Architecture Scenario Topics
  • BIZBOK Business Architecture Practice
    • The Value of a Business Architecture
    • The Path to Actionable Results
    • Getting Started with Business Architecture
    • Required Roles
    • The Business Architect Role
    • Determine Business Architecture Objectives
    • Communicate Business Value
    • Assess Opportunities
    • Establish Governance
    • Establish Baseline
    • Use and Refine Business Architecture
    • Business Models and Frameworks
    • A Business Model Framework: Osterwalder Canvas
    • The Building Blocks of the Business Model Canvas
    • The Business Model Canvas Diagram
    • Business Architecture / Business Model Alignment and Mapping
    • Business Architecture / Business Model Alignment Example
  • BIZBOK Guide Strategy Blueprints
    • Strategy Development Questions
    • Business Strategy Mapping
    • What is a BIZBOK Business Architecture Blueprint?
    • Representing Business Architecture with Blueprints
    • BIZBOK Business Architecture Blueprints List
    • Strategy Mapping
    • Strategy
    • Strategy and Strategy Mapping
    • Strategy Mapping Frameworks Overview
    • Ansoff Product/Market Grid
    • Ansoff Strengths and Weaknesses
    • SWOT Analysis
    • SWOT Strengths and Weaknesses
    • Norton Kaplan Strategy Map
    • Norton-Kaplan Strategy Map
    • Norton Kaplan Strategy Map Diagram
    • Norton Kaplan Strengths and Weaknesses
    • Balanced Scorecards
    • The Balanced Scorecard Perspectives
    • Business Motivation Model
    • BMM Strengths and Weaknesses
  • BIZBOK Guide Architecture Blueprints
    • BIZBOK Architecture Blueprints
    • Value and Capability Mapping
    • Capability Mapping
    • Defining Capability
    • Capability vs. Function
    • Business Capabilities Levels
    • Sample Business Capability Model Taxonomy Diagram
    • Business Unit to Business Capability Mapping
    • Heat Mapping
    • The Value Stream Definition
    • Value Mapping
    • Value Mapping Diagram
    • Value Maps vs Business Processes
    • More on the Value Stream Blueprint
    • A Value Stream Example
    • Value Stream Heat Mapping
    • Value Stream Heat Mapping Example
    • Value Stream / Capability Cross-mapping
    • Value Stream / Capability Cross-Mapping Example
    • Remaining Mappings
    • Organization Mapping
    • Organization Mapping – Business Units
    • Organization Mapping – Uses
    • Organization Mapping – Artifacts
    • Information Mapping
    • Information Mapping – Selected Principles
    • Information Mapping – Artifacts
    • Product Mapping
    • Product Mapping - Artifacts
    • Product Mapping – Artifacts
    • Stakeholder Mapping
    • Stakeholder Mapping – Artifacts
    • Stakeholder Mapping – Classification
  • Business Architecture Views
    • Shared Vision
    • Views and Viewpoints
    • Views
    • Example View: Claim Handling from a Process Viewpoint
    • Example View: Claim Handling from a Data Viewpoint
    • The Importance of Architecture Views
    • Class Exercise - “Views and Viewpoints”
    • The 5 Business Architecture Views
    • The Goals View
    • Common Pitfalls when Setting Goals
    • Goal Prioritization
    • TOGAF's Goals View
    • OMG's Goals View
    • SMART Goals
    • Facades View
    • Facade's View - UML
    • Business Use Case Model
    • Business Use Cases
    • Creating Business Use Cases
    • More Complex Use Cases
    • Facade's View – Functional Model
    • TOGAF Functional / Facade Models
    • Additional Functional / Facade Models
    • Communications View
    • UML Communication Diagrams
    • Processes View
    • UML Activity Diagram
    • Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) Process Models
    • BPMN or UML?
    • Business Entities View
    • Domain Modelling as a Business Entity View
    • Data Modelling as a Business Entity View
  • Improving Business Processes
    • Improving Processes
    • Business Modelling
    • Process Improvement
    • Process Performance Analysis
    • Motivation for Continuous Process Improvement
    • Metrics
    • Key Performance Indicators
    • KPI Selection Criteria
    • KPI Practices
    • KPI Examples
    • Measurement Plan
    • Continuous Process Improvement
    • Types of Process Changes
    • Process change and Six Sigma
    • Six Sigma Projects
    • What is Lean Six Sigma?
    • Lean and Six Sigma Sigma Main Methods
    • Aligning Business Architecture and Lean Six Sigma
    • The Lean Value Stream
    • Lean Value Stream Example
    • Lean and Business Architecture Value Streams Cross-Mapping Synergies
    • Rapid Improvement Process
    • Achieving Success with Six Sigma and RIP
    • Ishikawa Diagram
    • Documenting Process – BPMN
    • Role of BPMN
    • Basic Structure of a Process
    • BPMN Example – Hardware Retailer
    • Process Governance
    • Process Governance Activities
    • Role of Process Governance
    • A Process Governance Framework
    • Process Maturity 
  • Process Maturity Models
    • What are Process Maturity Models?
    • Process Maturity Models Positioning
    • Defining a Level
    • The Five Levels of Process Maturity
    • Moving Up the Levels of Process Maturity
    • Assessing the Level of Maturity
    • The Level Assessment Elements
    • Process Level Scores
    • Enterprise Capabilities: Leadership
    • Enterprise Capabilities: Culture
    • Enterprise Capabilities: Expertise
    • Enterprise Capabilities: Governance
    • Process Enablers: Design
    • Process Enablers: Performers
    • Process Enablers: Owner
    • Process Enablers: Infrastructure
  • Overview of Enterprise Architecture Frameworks
    • Relationship Between Business Architecture and Other Types of Architecture
    • Business / IT Alignment
    • Business / IT Architecture Mapping
    • The Importance of a Framework for Enterprise Architecture
    • Group Discussion: Architecture Frameworks
    • TOGAF
    • TOGAF Components
    • Architecture Development Method (ADM)
    • ADM Techniques
    • Architecture Content Framework
    • Views & Viewpoints
    • Zachman Framework
    • Zachman Framework Matrix Overview
    • The Scope of the Zachman Framework
    • What the Zachman Framework is NOT
    • Leveraging the Zachman Framework
    • Some Other Frameworks
    • Which Framework Should I Use?
  • Introduction to ArchiMate
    • What is ArchiMate
    • Overview of ArchiMate
    • What is ArchiMate
    • Where ArchiMate plays
    • ArchiMate’s Place in the Toolbox
    • ArchiMate Compliments Other Notations
    • Example – Value Streams and Capabilities
    • Example – Business Capability Model
    • Example – Strategy Viewpoint
    • Example – Layered View 
    • Example – Link from Business through Technology
    • ArchiMate Principles
    • Elements and Relations
    • A few Relations
    • Layers
    • Types of Elements
    • Types of Elements – There’s More!
    • Layers and their Elements
    • Business, Application, and Technology
    • Example – A Business View
    • Example – Adding Application
    • Strategy and Motivation
    • Example – Adding Strategy and Motivation
Upcoming Course Dates
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Jul 29 - 31, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Sep 2 - 4, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Sep 9 - 11, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Oct 7 - 9, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET