
Introduction to Programming for Android Using Android Studio Training

This Android Programming course teaches Java developers to build user-friendly interfaces for Android applications. Whether new to mobile development or looking to expand your skillset, this course provides a comprehensive foundation for creating engaging Android apps using Andriod Studio.

Course Details


2 days


Experience programming Java applications.

Who Can Benefit?

Developers and architects who will be developing applications for Android devices.

Skills Gained

  • The architecture of Android OS.
  • Using the Eclipse based development environment.
  • GUI development.
  • Supporting multiple languages.
Course Outline
  • Introduction to Android
    • What is Android?
    • A Short History
    • Open Source
    • Advantages of Android
    • Disadvantages of Android
    • Android Version Distribution
    • Android Market Share
    • Phones by manufacturer
    • References
  • The Development Environment
    • What Do We Need?
    • Downloading the Tools
    • Setting Up the SDK
    • Android Studio
    • Starting Android Studio
    • Android Studio Projects
    • Android Studio Interface
    • Visual Designer
    • Gradle Build System
    • Modifying Android Project Settings
    • The Android Emulator
    • Hardware Virtualization and the AndroidEmulator
    • Create a Virtual Device
    • Device Definition
    • System Image
    • Creating a Project
    • Minimum SDK Version
    • Running Your Application in the Emulator
    • Running Your Application on a Device
    • Run Configuration
    • Debugging an Application
    • Developing for Multiple Android Versions
    • Migrating to Android Studio from Eclipse
  • The Architecture of Android
    • Key Components Stack
    • The Kernel
    • Libraries
    • The Android Runtime JVM
    • Application Framework
    • Applications
  • Support LibrariesApplication Fundamentals
    • Recapping The Basics
    • Packaging an Application
    • Application Reusability Architecture
    • The Manifest File
    • Activity
    • Creating an Activity Class
    • Activity Lifecycle
    • Launching an Activity
    • Pausing and Stopping an Activity
    • Destroying an Activity
    • Activity Destruction Under Resource Shortage
    • Saving State
    • Creating Views
    • Registering an Activity
    • The Default Activity
    • Process Lifecycle
    • The Application Class
    • The Application Context
  • Basic GUI Programming
    • The Fundamentals
    • View Hierarchy
    • Creating Views Programmatically
    • Creating View in XML Layout
    • More on XML Layout
    • Common Programming Tasks with Views
    • TextView and EditText
    • Multi-Line Text
    • Ellipsize Long Text
    • Button
    • CheckBox
    • RadioButton and RadioGroup
    • ToggleButton
    • ImageView
    • RatingBar
  • Layout Management
    • Background
    • LinearLayout
    • LinearLayout Orientation
    • match_parent (fill_parent) Example
    • Layout Gravity
    • Weight
    • TableLayout
    • Managing the Width
    • RelativeLayout
    • RelativeLayout Example
    • ScrollView
    • HorizontalScrollView
  • Resource Management and Localization
    • Introduction
    • Main Types of Resources
    • Defining Value Resources
    • Defining String Arrays
    • Creating Image Resource
    • Alternate Resource Folders
    • Alternate Folder Name Rules
    • Android XML Files in Android Studio
    • How Android Finds Resources
    • Dealing with Screen Orientation
    • Orientation Change and Activity Lifecycle
    • Fix Orientation
    • Developing for Tablets
    • Basics of Localization
    • Testing for Localization
    • Loading Localized String from Code
  • Intents and Intent Filters
    • What is an Intent?
    • The android.content.Intent Class
    • Explicitly Specifying Component's Class
    • Implicit Target Component Specification
    • Intent Filters
    • Data Type Filter
    • Action Name
    • Category Name
    • Hint Matching Logic
    • Example Hint Matching
    • Default Component of an Application
    • Starting an Activity
    • Getting Output from Activity
    • Pending Intent
  • Fragments and Supporting Different Screens
    • The Problem
    • Screen Density
    • Screen Size
    • Size Qualifiers in Android 3.2
    • Supporting Multiple Screens
    • Declaring Screen Support in Manifest
    • Screen Compatibility Mode
    • Providing Alternate Resources
    • Scaling Images
    • Providing Alternate Layout for Large Devices
    • Fragments
    • Fragment Example
    • Creating a Fragment
    • Adding a Fragment to an Activity
    • Managing Fragments
    • Detecting Fragments From Activities
    • Communicating With an Activity
    • Using Fragment Callback Interface
    • Fragment State
    • Supporting Fragments on Older Devices
    • Putting It All Together
    • Testing on Multiple Screens
  • Menus With Action Bar
    • Android Navigation
    • Action Bar Overview
    • Anatomy of the Action Bar
    • Action Bars in the Wild
    • Using an Existing Menu Definition
    • Adding Action Items
    • Handling Clicks on Action Items
    • Split Action Bar
    • Up Navigation
    • Using Action Views
    • Drop-down Navigation
  • Lab Exercises
    • Lab 1. Setting up the Development Environment
    • Lab 2. Developing a Simple Application
    • Lab 3. Basic UI Development
    • Lab 4. Basics of Activity and Process Lifecycle
    • Lab 5. Using Simple Views
    • Lab 6. Layout Management
    • Lab 7. Resource Management
    • Lab 8. Localization
    • Lab 9. Using Intent to Launch Activities
    • Lab 10. Using Fragments
    • Lab 11. Implementing the Action Bar
Upcoming Course Dates
USD $1,250
Online Virtual Class
Date: Jul 29 - 30, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $1,250
Online Virtual Class
Date: Sep 2 - 3, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $1,250
Online Virtual Class
Date: Sep 16 - 17, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $1,250
Online Virtual Class
Date: Oct 7 - 8, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET