
Introduction to Java and Java Enterprise Using Eclipse Training

This course introduces the Java programming language and how to develop Java applications using eclipse and JBoss. Students learn the syntax of the Java programming language, object-oriented programming using Java, exception handling, file input/output (I/O), along with servlets and JavaServer Pages. During the course, students will develop and test Java applications using eclipse with JBoss.
Course Details


5 days


Students must be familiar with object-oriented principals and the concept of object-oriented programming.

Target Audience

  • Programmers who are interested in adding Java to their skills.
  • This course is ideal for those that will not be taking a more in-depth course on Java Enterprise. 

Skills Gained

  • Apply OOP principles 
  • Design OO applications using abstraction, encapsulation, modularity and hierarchy 
  • Use Java exceptions to guarantee graceful error recovery for your application 
  • Create and use inner classes in your program to make them concise and clear 
  • Do input/output using Java 
  • Create servlets and JavaServer Pages 
  • Use eclipse for Java application development
Course Outline
  • Overview of Java
    • History Of Java
    • Benefits Of Java
    • What Is Java?
    • What's This \"Virtual Machine\"?
    • Comparison to Other Languages
    • Java Programs
    • Basic Java Development Tools
    • Java Editions
    • Example – HelloWorld
    • Java Classes
    • Main Methods
    • Statements
  • Java Tools in Eclipse
    • Eclipse Platform
    • Eclipse Workspace
    • Perspectives, Views & Editors
    • Basic Operations with Eclipse Views and Perspectives
    • The Java Perspective
    • The Debug Perspective
    • Navigator View
    • Package Explorer
    • Outline View
    • Problems View
    • Eclipse Preferences
    • Build and Validation
    • Code Completion, Templates and Snippets
    • Searching
    • Configure Compiler Class Path
    • JRE Switching
  • Basic Object Concepts
    • What Is An Object?
    • State
    • Behavior
    • Encapsulation
    • Encapsulation Examples
    • Classes vs. Objects
    • Inheritance
    • Interfaces
    • Polymorphism
    • Benefits Of Objects
  • Basic Java Syntax
    • Declaring And Initializing Variables
    • Keywords
    • Coding Tips – Variables
    • Primitive Data Types
    • Logical - boolean
    • Textual - char and String
    • Integral - byte, short, int, long
    • Floating Point - float and double
    • Literal Values
    • Strings
    • Creating Strings
    • White Space
    • Comments
    • Coding Tips - Comments
    • Java Statements
    • Coding Tips - Statements
    • Scope of a Variable
    • System.out/System.in
    • Scanner Class
  • Operations and Making Decisions
    • Operator Categories
    • Special Situations
    • Binary Operators
    • Integer Division
    • Numeric Promotion
    • Type Conversion Of Primitive Types
    • Unary Operators
    • Relational Operators
    • Logical Operators
    • \"Short Circuited\" Operators
    • Bitwise Operators
    • Bitwise Examples
    • Shift Operators
    • Overflow And Underflow
    • Assignment Operators
    • Ternary Operator
    • Calculation Errors
    • Operator Precedence
    • Precedence Examples
    • Combining Strings
    • Coding Tips - Operators
    • Control Flow Statements
    • 'if' Statement
    • 'if…else' Statement
    • Nested Statements
    • Coding Tips - if & if-else
  • Using Classes and Objects
    • Objects, Instances, And Classes
    • What Are Classes?
    • Working With Classes And Objects
    • Instantiation
    • Instance Methods
    • Object References
    • String Operations
    • \"Wrapper\" Classes
    • Autoboxing
  • Writing Classes
    • Why Define Your Own Classes?
    • Encapsulation
    • Elements Of A Class
    • Defining Classes
    • Coding Tips - Class Definitions
    • Fields
    • Defining Fields
    • Coding Tips - Fields
    • Methods
    • Defining Methods
    • Passing Parameters
    • Overloading Methods
    • Coding Tips - Methods
    • Local Variables vs. Instance Variables
    • Example - Defining a Class
    • Example - Fields
    • Example - Defining a Method
    • Example - Calling a Method
  • Controlling Code Access and Code Organization
    • Controlling Access
    • Data Hiding
    • Encapsulation
    • JavaBeans
    • Packages
    • Naming Packages
    • Declaring Packages In Classes
    • Problems Solved With Packages
    • Package Access
    • Example - Access Modifiers
    • Import Statement
    • Using Classes From Packages
    • Coding Tips - Import Statements
    • Correlation To File Structure
    • Class Path
    • Java Core Packages
    • Java API Documentation
  • Constructors and Class Members
    • Constructors
    • Default Constructor
    • Multiple Constructors
    • Defining Constructors
    • Example - Calling Constructors
    • \"Good\" Constructors
    • 'this' Keyword
    • Using 'this' to Call a Constructor
    • Using 'this' to Set a Field
    • Class Members
    • Examples Of Class Members
    • Comparison With Instance Members
    • Use Of Class Variables
    • Static Class Methods
    • Use Of Class Methods
    • The Math Class
    • Main Method And Command Line Arguments
    • Declaring Constants
    • Coding Tips - Class Members
    • Useful Standard Class Members
    • Initialization Blocks
    • Static Initialization Blocks
  • Advanced Control Structures
    • 'switch' Statement
    • Example - switch
    • Switch "Fall Through"
    • Using switch "Fall Through" for Multiple Options
    • 'for' Loop
    • Example - for
    • 'while' Loop
    • Example - while
    • 'do…while' Loop
    • Example - do while
    • Break Statement
    • Example - break
    • Labeled Statements
    • Example - Labeled break
    • Continue Statement
    • Example - continue
    • Example - Labeled continue
    • Coding Tips - Control Structures
  • Arrays
    • Arrays
    • Declaring Arrays
    • Populating Arrays
    • Accessing Arrays
    • Arrays of Objects
    • Array Length
    • Coding Tips - Arrays
    • Array References
    • Multidimensional Arrays
    • Arrays Of Arrays
    • Copying Arrays
    • For-Each loop
    • Variable Arguments
    • Variable Arguments Example
  • Inheritance
    • Inheritance Is…
    • Inheritance Examples
    • Declaring Inheritance
    • Inheritance Hierarchy
    • Access Modifiers Revisited
    • Inherited Members
    • Instances Of A Subclass
    • Example Of Inheritance
    • Role In Reuse
    • The super Keyword
    • Example - super Keyword
    • Problems with Constructors
    • Limiting Subclasses
    • Calling Methods in Constructors
    • The Object Class
  • Commonly Overridden Methods
    • Overriding Methods
    • @Override Annotation
    • toString()
    • toString() in Object
    • Overriding toString()
    • Comparing Objects
    • Using == vs. equals(..)
    • Overriding equals(..)
    • Complex Comparisons
    • equals(..) Example
    • hashCode()
    • Overriding hashCode()
    • hashCode() Example
    • Generating equals and hashCode
  • Advanced Java Tools
    • Refactoring
    • Renaming Elements
    • Moving a Class to a Different Package
    • Extracting Code to a Method
    • Other Source Code Refactoring
    • Refactoring to Improve Type Hierarchy
    • Generalizing a Variable
    • Pull-up and Push-down
  • Exceptions
    • What is an Exception
    • Benefits
    • The Exception Class
    • How to Work With Exceptions
    • Example Exception Handling
    • The try-catch-finally Statement
    • Flow of Program Control
    • Exception Hierarchy
    • Checked Exceptions
    • Unchecked Exceptions
    • Coding Tips - Exception Types
    • Catching Multiple Exceptions
    • Specifying Thrown Exceptions
    • Rethrowing Exceptions
    • Chaining Exceptions
    • Creating your Own Exception
  • Interfaces and Polymorphism
    • Casting Objects
    • The instanceof Operator
    • Abstract Classes
    • Abstract Class – An Example
    • Interface
    • Interface – An Example
    • Comparable Interface
    • Comparable Example
    • Coding Tips - Superclass or Abstract Class/Interface?
    • Coding Tips – Abstract Class or Interface
    • Polymorphism
    • Conditions for Polymorphism
    • Coding Tips - Leveraging Polymorphism
    • Covariant Return Types
  • Collections and Generics
    • What are Collections?
    • Arrays vs. Collections
    • Main Collections Interfaces
    • java.util.Collection
    • Main Collection Methods
    • Sets
    • java.util.List
    • java.util.Queue
    • Iteration on a Collection
    • Iterator vs. For-Each Loop
    • Maps
    • java.util.Map
    • Other Maps
    • Collections Implementations
    • Abstract Implementations
    • Choosing a Collection Type
    • Generics
    • Generics and Collections
    • Collections and Primitive Types
  • Useful Java Classes
    • Java Logging API
    • Control Flow of Logging
    • Logging Levels
    • Loggers
    • Logging Example
    • Logging Handlers
    • Logging Formatters & Log Manager
    • Logging Configuration File
    • Example Logging Configuration File
    • Logging Filters
    • java.lang.StringBuilder
    • java.util.StringTokenizer
    • java.util.Arrays & java.util.Collections
    • java.util.Random
    • java.util.Date
    • GregorianCalendar & Calendar
    • Formatting
  • Input and Output
    • Overview of Java Input/Output
    • The File Class
    • File Example
    • Serialization
    • Serializing Object State
    • Avoiding Serialization Problems
    • serialVersionUID
    • Options for File Input/Output
    • Streams
    • Input Stream
    • Output Stream
    • "Chained" Streams
    • RandomAccessFile
    • Using Streams - Write Example
    • Using Streams - Read Example
    • Reader and Writer
    • Using Readers and Writers - Write Example
    • Using Readers and Writers - Read Example
    • Using Readers and Writers - Scanner Read Example
    • Buffers
    • Channels
    • Using Buffers and Channels - Write Example
    • Using Buffers and Channels - Read Example
  • Other Java Concepts
    • Annotations
    • Enumerated Types
    • Enumerated Types – Example
    • Assertions
    • Assertions Example
    • When to use Assertions
    • Enabling Assertions
    • JVM Storage Areas
    • Java Heap Space
    • Heap Size Limits
    • Garbage Collection Basics
    • Allocation Failure (AF)
    • OutOfMemoryError
    • Memory Leak
    • Distributing Java Code with JARs
  • Chapter 21. Servlet Basics
    • History – CGI
    • Server Extension APIs
    • Java Servlet
    • Servlet Container
    • Servlet Responsibilities
    • J2EE and Servlet
    • The Servlet Class
    • The HttpServlet Class
    • An Example – Hello World
    • Registering the Servlet
    • The Servlet Container
    • The Servlet API
    • Life Cycle – Initialization
    • Example Initialization
    • Life Cycle – Processing
    • Life Cycle – Destroy
    • User Input
    • Example – User Input
    • Output to Client
    • Servlet Error Handling
    • Threading Issues
  • JavaServer Page (JSP) Basics
    • JavaServer Pages
    • A Simple Example - Hello.jsp
    • JSP Benefits
    • Evolution of Dynamic Content Technologies
    • How JSP Works
    • JSP Invocation
    • Generated Servlet
    • JSP Scripting Elements
    • The XML Syntax
    • JSP Directive
    • page Directive Attributes
    • page Directive – an Example
    • page Attribute – errorPage
    • page Attribute – isErrorPage
    • Using XML Syntax
    • Directives – include
    • Include – an Example
    • Request time inclusion
    • Include at compile time vs. at request time
    • JSP Declarations
    • JSP Expressions
    • JSP Scriptlets
    • JSP Comments
    • JSP Predefined Variables
    • The request Object
    • The response Object
    • The out Object
    • Out – an Example
  • Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) Overview
    • Need for EJBs
    • Distributed Computing
    • Distributed Transaction
    • Distributed Security
    • What are EJBs?
    • Main Characteristics of EJBs
    • EJB Remote Method Call
    • EJB Architecture Components
    • EJB Client
    • EJB JAR File
    • EJB Container
    • EJB Server
    • Enterprise JavaBeans
    • Session Beans
    • Entity Beans
    • Java Persistence API - Entities
    • Message-Driven Beans (MDBs)
    • EJB Specification
  • Overview of Java SE APIs
    • Java GUI Programming
    • Networking
    • Security
    • Databases - JDBC
    • Concurrent Programming
    • Naming - JNDI
    • Management - JMX
    • XML
    • Web Services
    • Remote Method Invocation
    • Image I/O
    • Printing
Upcoming Course Dates
USD $2,620
Online Virtual Class
Date: Jul 29 - Aug 2, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,620
Online Virtual Class
Date: Aug 12 - 16, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,620
Online Virtual Class
Date: Aug 26 - 30, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,620
Online Virtual Class
Date: Sep 23 - 27, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,620
Online Virtual Class
Date: Oct 21 - 25, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET