Vertex AI Model Garden Training
- Prior completion "Machine Learning on Google Cloud" course or the equivalent knowledge of TensorFlow/Keras and machine learning.
- Experience scripting in Python and working in Jupyter notebooks to create machine learning models.
Target Audience
Skills Gained
- Understand the model options available within Vertex AI Model Garden
- Incorporate models in Vertex AI Model Garden in your machine learning workflows
- Leverage foundation models for generative AI use cases
- Fine-tune models to meet your specific needs
- Vertex AI for ML Workloads
- Vertex AI on Google Cloud
- Options for training, tuning and deploying ML models on Vertex AI
- Generative AI options on Google Cloud and Vertex AI
- Model Garden
- Introduction to Model Garden
- Model types in Model Garden
- Connecting models from Gen AI Studio and Model Registry
- Introduction to course use cases
- Task-specific Solutions: Content Classification
- Pre-trained models for specific tasks
- VertexAI AutoML
- Using a pre-trained model via the Python SDK
- Foundation Models: Text Embeddings via PaLM
- Introduction to foundation models
- GenAI Studio
- Using the Embeddings API
- Fine-tunable Models
- Fine-tunable models in Model Garden
- Vertex AI Pipelines
Partner Registration
The course you are registering for is being delivered by our sister company - ExitCertified. All logistics related to course delivery will be managed by the ExitCertified team. If you have a dedicated Web Age representative, please feel to reach out to them with any questions/concerns you may have.
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Partner Registration
The course you are registering for is being delivered by our sister company - ExitCertified. All logistics related to course delivery will be managed by the ExitCertified team. If you have a dedicated Web Age representative, please feel to reach out to them with any questions/concerns you may have.
You'll now be redirected to to complete the enrollment process.