Implement Real-Time Analytics with Microsoft Fabric Training
This official Microsoft course, Implement Real-Time Analytics with Microsoft Fabric, teaches attendees how to import live data streams from various sources, leverage the power of Eventstream for real-time processing, and unlock insights through KQL queries on data. Students also learn how to create dynamic dashboards that visualize real-time data for effective decision making.
Skills Gained
- Source streaming data sources into Microsoft Fabric
- Use real-time Eventstream in Microsoft Fabric
- Query data in a KQL database in Microsoft Fabric
- Create real-time dashboards in Microsoft Fabric
- Introduction
- Get started with Real-Time Analytics in Microsoft Fabric
- What is Synapse Real-Time Analytics?
- Understand KQL database and tables
- Write queries with KQL
- Use real-time Eventstreams in Microsoft Fabric
- Main components of Eventstream
- Setting up Eventstream
- Routing Eventstream data
- Query data in a KQL database in Microsoft Fabric
- Get started with KQL queries
- KQL best practices
- Advanced features
- Conclusion
Partner Registration
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