
Build and Administer APIs with Red Hat 3scale API Management with exam Training

API management capabilities are becoming increasingly important as companies begin to use application programming interfaces to provide direct programmable access to their services, data, and processes. In this offering, you will explore the features of Red Hat 3scale API Management and learn to create and manage a developer portal with these features:
Course Details


4 days


  • Familiarity with APIs and testing APIs
  • Familiarity with containers and Red Hat® OpenShift is helpful, but not required

Target Audience

  • API developers interested in using 3scale API Management for API billing and enabling security and access control features
  • System architects and administrators who want to create a portal for monetizing their APIs

Skills Gained

  • Create, manage, and monetize APIs.
  • Establish and configure API subscription plans.
  • Configure and test API management integration.
  • Configure rate limits for APIs.
Course Outline
  • 3scale API Management solution overview
  • API strategies
  • Architecture and deployment options
  • OpenShift architecture and concepts
  • Basic API management configuration
  • Set up developer portal
  • Set up Red Hat SSO integration
  • Set up API billing
  • Define webhooks
  • 3scale Platform REST API