
Tableau Data Prep Training

This Tableau Data Prep course teaches participants how to use Tableau Prep Builder, a Tableau product for data preparation. Attendees learn how to clean, shape, and analyze data correctly to gain business insights.
Course Details


2 days


Experience using Tableau, joining data in Tableau, and working with calculations.

Skills Gained

  • Use Tableau Prep
  • Overcome many of their thorniest data cleaning and preparation issues
  • Enable their Tableau analysis and visualization process to be smoother and easier
  • Ease data prep challenges
Course Outline
  • Introduction
  • Preferred structure and layout of data in Tableau
  • Introduction to the Tableau Prep workspace
  • Data cleansing and preparation concepts, such as joins, unions, wildcard matches, fuzzy matching, and addressing nulls, irregularities and outliers
  • When to do your data preparation in Tableau Prep vs. the normal Tableau Desktop
  • Understand data sampling
  • Connecting to and configuring data
  • Exploring data
  • Joining and unioning data
  • Combining data
  • Cleaning data
  • Changing data types and data roles
  • Filtering data
  • Removing duplicates
  • Shaping and pivoting data
  • Aggregating Data
  • Validating results
  • Complex data cleaning tasks
  • Best practices for data preparation and optimizing Tableau Prep
  • Exporting to various Tableau formats and publishing to Tableau Server
  • Automating Tableau Prep flows with Tableau Prep Conductor or the Command Line Interface (if desired)
  • Conclusion
Upcoming Course Dates
USD $1,525
Online Virtual Class
Date: Sep 2 - 3, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET